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    It is an online catalogue of KRRC holdings (Books, e-Books, Journals, Magazines and other resources). Users not only can search their resources through OPAC but also renew books, reserve books, create virtual shelves for their readings and suggest book purchases for the KRRC.  The OPAC is accessible both on-campus and off-campus @ http://opac.aiktclibrary.org:5000/     What You Can Do on WebOPAC: You can check which books you have borrowed from the library. You can reserve books of your need – books such reserved will not be issued to other persons up to a limited period (of two days) You can check outstanding charges (fines) you may have. You can check your previous transactions with the library. You can request a book which is not available in the library. How to log in: Please type http://opac.aiktclibrary.org: 5000/ in the browser. To Login click on “Log in to your account” button on top of the screen of WEB OPAC Interface. To access your Library account you need your login Member Code and Password. Library Software System has automatically assigned your Library Card No. as Member and Password. Successful log in help to know – Your summary, fines, search history, reading history Your purchase suggestions, Update/change your personal details and password   How to do Online Reservation: After successful login, go to the book you desire to renew and then click ‘Place hold’ button on the right-hand side. Also, note down next renewal date.  Once a user reserves a book, she/he will be notified via email and text message as soon as a copy of the book is available/returned in the library. Note: Once a user receives the notification, the ‘hold’ will be reserved for 24 hours, after which it will be suspended automatically.   Don't have a password yet?If you don't have a password yet, stop by the circulation desk the next time you're in the library. We'll happily set one up for you.   Don't have a library card?If you don't have a library card, stop by your local library to sign up.

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  • Institutional Repository

    "Enhancing Teaching, Learning, and Research" Digital Institutional Repository (IR@AIKTC), accessible on the Internet since 2014 ,  is yet another service provided by the KRRC, using Open Source Software – DSpace, developed by MIT and HP Labs. IR maintains intellectual assets (Journal articles (preprints/postprints), Working Papers, Conference papers, Book chapters, Reports, Theses and Dissertations, and other scholarly publications) of the AIKTC. It enables the AIKTC community to deposit (self archive) their publications using a web interface, and preserves and organises these publications for easy retrieval. KRRC strongly encourages AIKTC authors to deposit their work in Repository or an open access disciplinary repository because open access broadens dissemination, increases use, citation, and impact, and maximizes the return on investment in research. To access restricted contents get register with us. Note: While writing your name please mention Library Membership number after first name in round brackets. Eg.: Shaheen(11PH01) for authentication. FOR SEMESTER/PERIODIC EXAM QUESTION PAPERS CLICK HERE Contents are purely for academic & research work only. Repository registered in: Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR) hosted by University of Nottingham, UK. Registry of Open Access Repository (ROAR) hosted by University of Southampton, UK. Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates And Policies(ROARMAP)hosted by University of Southampton, UK. Duraspace: Dspace User Registry

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  • QR Code

    Library strated QR (Quick Response) code service to cater new genration patrons.

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  • Remote Access

     AIKTC has provided access to eResources through remote login.           <b>  Off-Campus Access of Subscribed eResources: The Central Library subscribes to the Electronic Resources through e-ShodhSindhu as well as from the Publishers. The Off-Campus Access service is provided to the Faculty Members and Students to seamlessly access the subscribed scholarly electronic resources from outside the Institute campus. Username and Password have been provided to all the Faculty Members and Students to access the resources 24/7 through Identity Providers. Fair Use of eResources at AIKTC and Usage Policy Click here for policy. Procedure for Availing the Off-Campus Access All faculty have been automatically authenticated and their Off-Campus access login is active. Use your "Employee Email ID" as Login ID and default password as emailed. Kindly, change your system generated password upon first use. Research Scholar and Students, you may communicate to the Library or fill the Google form (https://forms.gle/VpiKo1d6vANywvCL9) to get the username and password. Please Note: Registration will be valid for 3 months by-default after then you need to activate the account. Users need to fill the online form for both new registration and activation. In case any issues, kindly contact the Library Team  Important Use AIKTC Open LDAP id and password to access electronic resources from off-campus. [https://idp.aiktclibrary.org/] Users should not share their username and password. Unauthorized usage, multiple logins are not allowed, if found will lead to blocking the access to eResources. For any clarifications or query please contact librarian@aiktc.ac.in or centrallibrary@aiktc.ac.in Visit Platform | New User Registration </b>

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  • In - Out Management System

    In out management system is web based application. It is used to track the patrons who visits to library or related locations like study zone, reading room etc. It’ll scan the barcode from the ID and log the entry time and exit time of the patrons. The patron data will be fetched from the KOHA database along with the images and displayed on this system. There are two interfaces, one is for the reading barcodes at the door and another one is for access the reports. This system will generate four types of reports in the form of excel sheet and can be downloaded. [gallery width="258" height="186" columns="3"] [gallery_item title="In-Out System @KRRC" src="/images/sj_univer/Inout1.jpg"] Nullam ultrices[/gallery_item] [gallery_item title="In-Out System @KRRC" src="/images/sj_univer/Inout2.jpg"]Nullam ultrices[/gallery_item] [gallery_item title="In-Out System @KRRC " src="/images/sj_univer/Inout3.jpg"]Nullam ultrices[/gallery_item][/gallery]

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  • Anti-Plagiarism

    Anti Plagiarism Tool: DrillBit Central Library has purchased DrillBit Plagiarism Check Software. DrillBit has been selected for empanelment with AICTE NEAT 3.0 and by INFLIBNET Centre for all the Indian Universities under the aegis of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India. It is a Web-based software. Who can benefit? 1. UG Students - Manuscript for conference/Journal. Project report for UG degree. 2. PG Students - Manuscript for conference/Journal. Dissertation report for PG degree. 3. Research Scholars/Faculty Members - Manuscript for conference/Journal. Ph.D. Thesis.   Procedure: To Check the plagiarism extent and have the Similarity Report generated, note the following:   For UG, PG  students and Research Scholars: 1)   Fill up the “Request for Plagiarism Check” form available at GOOGLE FORM 2)   Print the above filled up form, take your Guide’s signature and submit it to the Library. 3)   Scanned Form and PDF of your document (to be scanned for Plagiarism) will be received by the Library at librarian@aiktc.ac.in   For Faculty Members (First Author): 1)  Fill up the “Request for Plagiarism Check” form available at GOOGLE FORM 2)  Attached the document in PDF format.   The document will be analyzed for plagiarism (if any) and a Similarity Report will be generated by DrillBit Software.  Similarity Report will be mailed to the Guide and the Requester in two working days.   NOTE: 1) E-mail / Attach your document (to be scanned for Plagiarism) in PDF format. 2) Incomplete forms will not be accepted. 3) Sign of the first author and / or Guide (whichever applicable) is mandatory. 4) Similarity Reports will be re-generated (after due corrections) depending on the need of the requester. Contact us if there is any problems - librarian@aiktc.ac.in For further Rules & Regulation refer the UGC Regulation of July 2018: Click Here [toggle_box] [toggle_item title='Code of Ethics to check malpractices and plagiarism to promote the Research @ AIKTC' active='no'] Preamble: Ethics and honesty are the two most important components of the academic activities are it teaching or research. Teaching & research is a novel profession based on extremely high moral values. There cannot be any scope for claiming the credit for the work he/she has not undertaken. Such acts will affect healthy academic the environment in the institute which will also harm the reputation of the institute as well as the individual.  Plagiarism: Plagiarism means stealing ideas and words of others as one’s own without crediting the source. Plagiarism involves copying of phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, or longer extracts from published or unpublished work that exceeds the boundaries of the legitimate cooperation without acknowledgment of the source.  Types of Plagiarism Plagiarism could be of two types a) Negligent OR unintentional plagiarism:It means innocently or carelessly presenting another person’s work as one’s own without acknowledging the Source. b) Dishonest OR intentional plagiarism:It means knowingly and deliberately presenting another person’s work as one’s own work without acknowledging the Source.  Avoiding Plagiarism: Plagiarism could be avoided by paraphrasing, citing, quoting, and referencing the original work.  There are five basic rules regarding the use of information in professional and in academic writing: If you use the language of your source, you must quote it exactly, enclose it in quotation marks, and cite the source. If you use ideas or information that is not common knowledge, you must cite the source. If you didn’t invent it, cite the source. Unless your professor explicitly tells you to paraphrase, don’t paraphrase. When in doubt, cite the source. Doing so can only enhance your reader's sense of your honesty.  Mechanism to detect plagiarism: It is the prime responsibility of an institute or research guide to distinguish between original and plagiarized work.  In order to detect the plagiarism well known softwares / tools (Turnitin, Urkund, Grammerly, Dupli checker, Copyleaks, Paperrater, Viper, Plagiarisma, Plagiarism Checker, Plagium, Plagscan, PlagTracker etc) can be used.  AIKTC has adopted anti-plagiarism policy to detect instances of plagiarism and thereby preventing students from publishing, presenting, and copying other's work. The AIKTC uses “DrillBit” Anti Plagiarism software to detect plagiarism. [/toggle_item] [/toggle_box]  "Do not take the chance of not checking your research paper. Plagiarism could mean the loss of your academic degree or career."

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Anjuman-Islam's Kalsekar Technical Campus

  • Add: Sector 16, Plot # 2&3, Near Thana Naka, Khanda Gaon, New Panvel, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Pincode: 410206
  • Tel: 022 27481247/48
  • Email: librarian@aiktc.ac.in
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