Anjuman-I-Islam's Kalsekar Technical Campus, Central Library (KRRC), New Panvel, 


"eReading Competition "Importance of Libraries in Your Education/Life"

(On the Occasion of "Librarian’s Day, 12th August)


AIKTC-Central Library (KRRC) commemorates the birth anniversary of the father of Indian Library Science *Dr. S. R. Ranganathan* as *Librarian’s Day* on 12th August 2021.
As part of the celebration, the participant has to write and then upload *60 seconds short video* recording while reading about *“Importance of Libraries in Your Education/Life”* and also upload the photograph of their write-up/script. Mention your name and other details on the script, which will be featured on the AIKTC-KRRC website and Social media channels.
The competition is open to all Students, Faculties, Researchers, Administrators.

Last date for submission: 15th August, 2021
? You may wear your traditional attire and talk about your passion for libraries in English/Hindi/Marathi.
? *Participation certificates* will be given to all the participants.
? *Top Three winners* will be provided with Appreciation Certificates.
Kindly participate and also motivate other stakeholders for participation.

? For any query, kindly contact:
Mrs. Shaheen Momin, Librarian & Convener, 9819060407*
Dr Abdul Razak Honnutagi*
(Director - AIKTC)
Mr. Burhan Harris*
(Hon. Exe. Chairman, BINM)
Mr. G. A. R. Shaikh*
(Hon. General Secretary, AI)


To support institutions during this challenging time, some publishers are making an expanded set of content freely available to

academic institutions where students have been displaced due to COVID-19.


  1. JSTOR resources during COVID-19:

    6,000+ selected journal articles related to COVID-19 — articles cover important topics such as coronavirus, communicable disease control, distance education, health surveillance, and more. Through June 30, 2021

    Free read-online access has expanded from six to 100 articles per month.

    ITHAKA COVID-19 Response: Resources for our Community and Business Continuity


Information and Resources to Help During the COVID-19 Pandemic

EBSCO and our partners are providing free resources and expanded access to content to help you support your institutions

 Here is an opportunity for all Avid Readers to indulge in their passion and share their experience.

Anjuman-I-Islam's Kalsekar Technical Campus, Central Library (KRRC), New Panvel, 


"Online Book Review Competition"

(On the Occasion of "Day of Reading, 19th June)


Last Date for Registration & Upload Book Review: Wednesday 23rd June, 2021.

Date of Online Presentation of Book Review: Saturday 3rd July, 2021.

Online Link for event :

Who Can Participate: Students, Researchers, Faculty's, Parents & Relatives


Registration Link:



  • Register yourself via the registration link given above and upload your book review.
  • You can select any book of your choice from the fiction or non-fiction category.
  • The book selected should be decent enough to be presented in front of an academic fraternity.
  • Book selected can be in Hindi, English or Marathi, and also the book review should be written & presented in the languages of the book.
  • Write your review about the book in maximum of 1000 words or 2 pages.
  • Your book review should be original and not copied from any source.

The review should include:
● Title and author of the book
● Short summary of the plot (Not giving too much away!)
● Students feelings of the book - what was good or bad, interesting etc
● Suggestions as to who might be interested in reading this book
● Whether the student would recommend reading this book or not

  • Best 20 book reviews will be selected for presentation on 26th June, 2021.
  • eCertificate will be provided to all participants after scrutiny of the book review.
  • Winner certificate will be provided to the top 3 best reviews on the basis of their book review and presentation.


Book review presentation will be held online and link for the same will be shared in Whatsapp group.
Whatsapp group Links:
(All the further details will be given in this group from time to time)

Sample Review Format: (Click link given below)


For any query, kindly contact:

Mrs. Shaheen Momin, Librarian, 9819060407

Prof. Tehsin Kazi, (CE)
Prof. Poonam Mhatre (SoA)
Prof. NikhatFarhana (SoP)


Dr Abdul Razak Honnutagi
(Director - AIKTC)

Mr. Burhan Harris
(Hon. Exe. Chairman, BINM)


Mr. G.A.R. Shaikh
(Hon. General Secretary, AI)   



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Get In Touch

Anjuman-Islam's Kalsekar Technical Campus

  • Add: Sector 16, Plot # 2&3, Near Thana Naka, Khanda Gaon, New Panvel, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Pincode: 410206
  • Tel: 022 27481247/48
  • Email:
  • Fax: 022 27481249

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