AI in News (33)
I/c Director, AIKTC
Hon. Exe. Chairman, BINM, AI
School of Engineering and Technology (SoET) Faculty: 10:00 am to 11:00 am
IQAC Controller
Hon. Exe. Chairman, BINM, AI
Date: 20th - 23rd Feb. 2024
Spread joy and happiness by donating books and stationery items as part of "International Book Giving Day" on 14th Feb. All collected materials will be shared with orphanages.
Date: 5th - 29th Feb. 2024
Location: Entrance Lobby & Library
Put your knowledge to the test with our eQuiz on literature. Twist your fingers and see how much you know!
Date: 8th - 29th Feb. 2024
Certificate of Appreciation will be received by the registered participants on AIKTC-NDLI Club members on their registered email ID from the IIT-K & MHRD.
*Event Location:Quiz link will be shared with the *AIKTC NDLI Club participants.
Explore a thematic display of regional language books.
Location: Central Library
Let's come together to celebrate the joy of books and the beauty of languages!
"Feeling fortunate and honored to have received an appreciation certificate for our valuable contribution to the NDLI Club. Coordinating learning-based events and activities has been a rewarding journey. Grateful for the recognition!
I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to my dedicated library team and management for their continued support.
#NDLIClub #LearningJourney#AIKTC
KAAD Newsletter Issue 7, July, 2022
An article abstract is a summary of the full article and explains what the article is about. It is valuable because it offers a quick overview of the article's content and can help you decide if the article will be useful for your research. Remember to cite from the full article in your research though, and never the abstract.
KAAD provides articles with abstracts from different periodicals (print form) subscribed by KRRC-Central Library at one place.
Explore the KAAD and send requests for full-text articles. The library will email you the scan copy of the same.
Click Here for Archives & Abstracts:
Newsletter URL :
KAAD Newsletter Issue 6, June, 2022
An article abstract is a summary of the full article and explains what the article is about. It is valuable because it offers a quick overview of the article's content and can help you decide if the article will be useful for your research. Remember to cite from the full article in your research though, and never the abstract.
KAAD provides articles with abstracts from different periodicals (print form) subscribed by KRRC-Central Library at one place.
Explore the KAAD and send requests for full-text articles. The library will email you the scan copy of the same.
Click Here for Archives & Abstracts:
Newsletter URL :